Modifying Deck Materials

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When an end-user creates a design in the application, the application will use default materials when creating the design. The end-user can very easily change the materials used in the design. All materials and their quantities used (Bid) will be displayed in the Material List Section of the Bill of Material.


There are three ways to navigate to the Material Tab to change Deck Materials


Ribbon Menu - Modify Option
1.Select Modify on Ribbon Menu.
2.Select Deck.
3.Select the Materials Tab.


Double-click Method
1.Double Click mouse on the Deck Area.
2.Select the Materials Tab.


Mouse Method
1.Right Click the Mouse on the Deck object
2.Select Deck Materials.



Click on image to enlarge
Click on image to enlarge



The Materials Tab has two sections:


Decking Material
oDecking (Deck Boards) within the
oJoist (Joist Material)
oJoist Preferred Size
oBeam (Beam Material)
oBeam Preferred Size
oPost (Post Material)
oPost Preferred Size


General Project Materials
oBeam Connections
oPost Connections
oStringer Connections
oTread Connections
oDiagonal Bracing
oDiagonal Connections
oRail Caps


C-RedButton  Decking


Click on image to enlarge
Click on image to enlarge


C-RedButton  Options (Decking)


Click on image to enlarge
Click on image to enlarge


C-RedButton  Joist (Material)


Click on image to enlarge
Click on image to enlarge


C-RedButton  Joist Preferred Size


Click on image to enlarge
Click on image to enlarge


Note: Selecting NONE (default) forces the application to calculate the most optimal Size.



C-RedButton  Beam (Material)


Click on image to enlarge
Click on image to enlarge


C-RedButton  Beam Preferred Size


Click on image to enlarge
Click on image to enlarge


Note: Selecting NONE (default) forces the application to calculate the most optimal Size.



C-RedButton  Post (Material)


Click on image to enlarge
Click on image to enlarge



C-RedButton  Post Preferred Size


Click on image to enlarge
Click on image to enlarge


Note: Selecting NONE (default) forces the application to calculate the most optimal Size.



C-RedButton General Project Materials


Click on image to enlarge
Click on image to enlarge



C-RedButton  Add/Change Materials


The Add/Change Materials option which can be found under the "Modify" and on the Ribbon Menu when Bill of Materials view has been selected. The purpose of the Add/Change Materials function is to allow a user to quickly change the general materials used in a design.


General Materials include:
oBeam Connections
oPost Connections
oStringer Connections
oTread Connections
oDiagonal Bracing
oDiagonal Connections
oRail Caps









C-RedButton  Changing General Materials using Add/Change Materials option


1.Select Add/Change Materials option
2.Select the Usage Category to be changed
3.Select the new Material to be used




Note: Items that appear in Green are available and are selectable. Items in Red are material that would be available and selectable if certain parameters in the design had been met. For example if the footing method selected had been either "Pier In-Ground" or "Pier Block & In-Ground" a different type of Builders Tube could be selected. If the neither of footer type have been selected, all the materials listed under "Builders Tube" in this dialog will appear in Red.


Important Note: If a user wants to change the material used in any of the Material types listed in the dialog from Brand X to Brand Y, they CAN NOT. In these dialogs a user can only change from Material A from Brand X to Material B from Brand X. To change from Material A from Brand X to Material B from Brand Y a user must click on the Deck Material Dialog and select "General Project Materials" button noted at the top of this page.